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The one that got gold in Cannes

Date: 03/2019

Client: Volvo x Mindshare Austria

Intention: Provide a creative Strategy to create momentum for the E.V.A campaign in Austria

Result: Best Creative Strategy, Cannes Lions

The one with 26 Million views

Date: 11/2016

Intention: With all the tension in the world that can divide us, this video is a reminder that we are better together. We have a lot more in common, than we might think, and the differences only make us stronger. It is simple: if we dance through live together, we can live together.

Result: 26 Million views


The one we filmed during a pandemic

Client: Nespresso

Scope: Creative Video Production and Social Media

Result: Best Social Media Strategy Webad


The one where I used data for storytelling

Client: Unilever (Knorr)

Scope: Creative Social Media Strategy

Result: Best integrated campaign


The one that went viral
for the first time

Date: 09/2015

Intention: bring Vienna together and show its diversity to launch the local storytelling blog “Wiener Portraits”. One of the most successful German rappers not only offered us to use his song for the project, but was decided to surprise Vienna by participating as one of them.

Result: it went viral and we got the Webad for Best Online Video.